Office Cleaning

Professional cleaning with a personal approach

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A Cost-effective service throughout Essex, London and the surrounding areas

Office Cleaning

A clean and hygienic office environment can make a huge difference in the happiness and wellbeing of staff.

With regular cleaning and sanitation, the chances of your employees falling ill and catching viruses from unclean surfaces and equipment is drastically reduced.

Our staff are fully vetted and trained and can offer a fully supervised service with regular quality checks and reporting on completion.

We can offer flexible contracts to suit your specific business requirements and can also provide a wide range of other services that can be carried out on a one-off or periodic basis.

Additional office cleaning services include:

  • Carpet cleaning
  • Window cleaning
  • Deep cleaning
  • Builders cleans

Get in Touch

Safe Contractor Approved
Safe Contractor Verified
Trained to irata Standards
Reach & Wash

JH Cleaning Services

We provide a reliable, efficient and friendly service to every one of our customers, some of whom have been using our company for many years.


Essex Office

call 01277 532 243

Unit 6 Cockridden Farm Estate, Brentwood Road, Herongate, Essex CM13 3LH


London Office

call 0208 004 0871

3rd Floor, 86-90 Paul Street
London, EC2A 4NE