About Us

JH Cleaning Services is a family run business with over 25 years' experience offering our clients a cost-effective range of specialist cleaning and maintenance solutions.

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About Us

About Us Window Cleaning

JH Cleaning Services provide cost-effective cleaning and maintenance services throughout Essex, London, and the South East, and over the years, we have built up a solid reputation for ourselves. Commercial clients throughout South East England rely on us to keep their premises looking professional.

We provide a reliable, efficient and friendly service to every one of our customers, some of whom have been using our company for many years. They know that we have very high standards, and that they can trust us to deliver excellent results every time.

Jamie Herbert, our Managing Director, is involved with the daily running of the business and is passionate about delivering the best possible service to all of his current and future clients.

About Us Window Cleaning
About Us Quality Control

Quality Control

All of our specialists' teams have access to a real-time reporting system. Auditing apps are used to take site photos and provide signed satisfaction reports, which are emailed to clients on completion of works. This allows our contractors to provide a more quality-efficient service to our clients.

If you're not 100% satisfied with the work we carry out for you, we'll come and re-clean for FREE or offer a FULL money-back guarantee.

Our mission is to:

  • Understand our clients' needs and expectations and to ensure standards are monitored and continuously improved
  • Provide a cost-effective solution for our clients and to try to maximise the value of our service
  • For all employees and contractors to maintain the highest level of service possible
  • To deal with any complaints within 48 hours, and to eliminate the root cause to prevent re-occurrence
About Us Quality Control
Safe Contractor Approved
Safe Contractor Verified
Trained to irata Standards
Reach & Wash

JH Cleaning Services

We provide a reliable, efficient and friendly service to every one of our customers, some of whom have been using our company for many years.


Essex Office

call 01277 532 243

Unit 6 Cockridden Farm Estate, Brentwood Road, Herongate, Essex CM13 3LH


London Office

call 0208 004 0871

3rd Floor, 86-90 Paul Street
London, EC2A 4NE